This centre hasu00a044 offices in total spreadu00a0over threeu00a0floors.u00a0The offices available are: 1 person officeu00a0atu00a090u00a0sq.ft.u00a0up tou00a0a 10u00a0person office at 700 sq.ft., oru00a0evenu00a0a complete floor. It has a separate building at the front ofu00a0the site thatu00a0isu00a0a 1,200 u00a0sq.ft.u00a0self-contained buildingu00a0with its ownu00a0kitchen and toilet facilities,u00a0it canu00a0be split in two with bothu00a0benefiting from the use ofu00a0the facilities. Both buildings are serviced withu00a0a leased lineu00a0internet connection providing tenants withu00a0the latestu00a0broadband. u00a0Services u00a0provided: mannedu00a0reception, secureu00a0parking, conference & meeting rooms facilities, telephoneu00a0andu00a0super-fastu00a0broadband, kitchenu00a0facilities & juiceu00a0bars, shower &u00a0WCu00a0facility, break-outu00a0andu00a0lunch areas both internally and externally.
This centre is locatedu00a04u00a0minutesu00a0from u00a0Junction 12 of the M27 and is within 10 minutes ofu00a0Portsmouth's town centre. There isu00a0a bus stop withinu00a02u00a0minutes' walku00a0and Hilsea's train stationu00a0isu00a0a 10u00a0minuteu00a0walk. A health and fitnessu00a0club, with a coffeeu00a0shop that is open tou00a0the public, is directly opposite. It also has a park next to it.
Pricing from $50
Pricing from $220
Pricing from $189
Pricing from $99
Pricing from $99
Pricing from $185