Everyone knows it’s a young folk’s game. Just exactly what ‘it’ is and where the playing pieces have been stashed are up for discussion, but it’s not hip to be square. So if want to make your office cool, below are some suggestions that won’t make you look like you’re trying too hard – promise. 1. An office pet We’ve said it before – having an animal in the office is really good for offic...
Read moreIt is now widespread knowledge that working in an office can be bad for your health. Obesity, back and eye problems, depression and diabetes h...
Average Monthly Price Per Desk - London Tube Map Infographic FlexiOffices have calculated the average price per desk for all offices which ar...
Things To Do In London At Christmas So here we go again, Christmas is only matter of weeks away and that means only one thing. In offices aro...
Fancy yourself as a bit of a runner? We recently challenged bloggers with an interest in running and fitness to take on the ‘Office Space Race...
Ever had a colleague with working habits that rub you up the wrong way? We've carried out a UK wide survey to find out which behaviours disp...
Image by Brett Jordan Whilst having a tailor-fit office space for your business is a key element in its overall success, productive compan...
Flexioffices prides itself on being experts in the supply of serviced office space across the UK, appreciating that our clients’ employees’ pr...
As a company, we’ve recently been trying to think of ways we can improve the office environment for our employees. As a young team of keen gym...
What we consider to be the workplace has only really existed since the eighteenth century, and that is stretching modern ideas of the workplac...
When TV inspires emotions – hatred, anger, love, confusion – people like nothing better than to natter about it – and usually that took place ...